Month: September 2015

Rugby World Cup 2015

Get it today!

Do you have a game plan to win the game of life?


Rugby World Cup 2015

Get it today!

Do you have a game plan to win the game of life?


Rugby World Cup 2015

Get it today!

Do you have a game plan to win the game of life?


Let’s contrast the wisdom of joy and earthly wisdom

In the midst of conflict, it’s hard to get the right perspective. Let’s contrast the “pure and peaceable” wisdom from above with the “earthly and unspiritual” wisdom from below. One is “easily entreated” and furthers our relationships. The other is harsh, driving people apart.

5 “Harmless” Dating Tips

Whether you’re single or in a relationship, you may have encountered at least one of these five things I have been told about dating. Perhaps the advice was given out of good intentions, but more often than not, it left you feeling frustrated and miserable.

A Fishing Lesson

I was fishing quietly on the clear, still waters of Piatt Lake, casting next to a lush weedbed. I watched a large smallmouth bass sneak out of the thick vegetation to investigate. He approached the tempting night crawler on the end of my line, stared at it, and backed into the weeds. This happened several times until he spotted the hook. Then he whipped his tail and disappeared into his lair, never to come out again.

Satan dangles temptation, like a fishhook, right in front of us. It looks tasty. It promises gratification. But Satan’s power ends there. He cannot force…

Your Friend

Discover the importance of gentleness

To some, Jesus is a gentle lamb. To others, He’s a roaring lion. To the sinner in need of grace, Jesus’ strength was shown in His gentleness towards them. But to the religious leaders who were proud of their own righteousness, He was someone to be feared.

Are You a Believer?

Are you a believer? You may be surprised to hear this, but all of us are—regardless of our religious inclination. We live by faith everyday—faith that our alarm clock will wake us up on time and faith that we will live to face tomorrow.

A Fly’s Reminder

When I first began working in the small office I now rent, the only inhabitants were a few mopey flies. Several of them had gone the way of all flesh, and their bodies littered the floor and windowsills. I disposed of all but one, which I left in plain sight.

That fly carcass reminds me to live each day well. Death is an excellent reminder of life, and life is a gift. Solomon said, “Anyone who is among the living has hope” (Eccl. 9:4). Life on earth gives us the chance to influence and enjoy the world around us. We can…

Tissue Boxes

As I sat in the surgical waiting room, I had time to think. I had been here recently, when we received the jarring news that my only brother, much too young, was “brain dead.”

And so on this day, waiting for news about my wife who was undergoing a serious surgical procedure, I penned a lengthy note to her. Then, surrounded by nervous chatter and oblivious children, I listened for the quiet voice of God.

Suddenly, news! The surgeon wanted to see me. I went to a secluded room to wait. There, on the table, sat two tissue boxes, conspicuously available. They…

Lessons in Suffering

The close-up image on the giant screen was big and sharp, so we could see the deep cuts on the man’s body. A soldier beat him while an angry crowd laughed at the man whose face was now covered with blood. The scenes appeared so real that, in the silence of the open-air theater, I cringed and grimaced as if I could feel the pain myself. But this was only a film reenactment of Jesus’ suffering for us.

Reminding us of Jesus’ suffering, Peter wrote, “To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you…

The harvest of joy in our relationships

Many of us struggle with trusting people in our world today. Relationships are often shallow and people take care of themselves at the expense of others.

Why I Love Rugby: The Game and Its Values

Today (September 18), the seventh Rugby World Cup will kick off in London, with tournament hosts England taking on the Pacific Island nation of Fiji. For rugby fans, the World Cup is the biggest event on the sporting calendar.

2 A.M. Friends

A friend told me about a group of people who share a strong bond of faith in Christ. One of them, a 93-year-old woman, said, “I feel like I can call any of you at 2 a.m., and I don’t even have to apologize if I feel the need for any type of assistance.” Whether the need is prayer, practical help, or someone to be there during a time of need, these friends are unconditionally committed to each other.

The same sense of commitment shines through Paul’s letter to the followers of Jesus in Colossae. Writing from prison in Rome, Paul…